This certification provides knowledge required to program Java code. To achieve this certification you need to finish 1Z0-803 exam. This exam give the basic knowledge of Java data types, strings, arrays, loop constructs, methods and encapsulation, inheritance and exceptions. Even if you are a new one to Java, you can take this exam because this exam doesn't have any prerequisite. If you plan to do any Java certification exam, finding the right study material for exam preparation is the first step to achieve exam successfully. Now a days you have so many options to prepare for your exam, here i am going to introduce a self study guide for your OCAJP 7 exam preparation. Some advantages of Self study are, You can study at your own scheduled time, You can refer other sources also and it's Cost effective. EPractize Labs Software, an emerging global provider for Java Certification Preparation provide OCAJP 7 Certification Training Lab, this is the exact material for your OCAJP 7 cer...
Java SE 7 Programmer I [1Z0-803] Certification Practice Exam Questions